Be a Better Leader in 2020 | VetFran
There is always room for growth, especially when a new year is upon us. Now that we have reached the first days of 2020, how you are going to start being a better leader for your franchise?
Our team at VetFran wants you to learn how you can improve upon your leadership skills so that you not only deepen relationships between you and your employees, but also so that you are able to take your franchise to the next level in 2020!
Let’s take a look at ways you can start to establish better leadership skills in the new year:
Decide on a Leadership Style
Have you ever thought about what type of leadership style you want to emulate? This is actually an important question to ask yourself, as it can help to determine what areas within leadership you need to work on and improve.
If you are unsure what type of leader you are, check out this leadership quiz to help you get started!
Foster Creativity Among Your Team
You have heard the saying, You are only as strong as your weakest link. Therefore, you want to do what you can to foster creativity among your team so that all employees have a chance to show off exactly what they have to offer to the group.
When you are a leader, you don’t just want to stand in front of your employees and bark orders. Oh, no. That is a boss, not a leader. Rather, you want to stand beside them and help them to reach their own potential, which includes expressing their creativity and achieving goals within the company.
Show Off Your Passion
Where there is a will, there is a way! Where there is passion, there is will! Passion is what is going to get you through the ups and downs of your business.
Plus, when you have genuine passion for your business, that passion can be contagious!
Are you ready to put the leadership skills you learned in the military to work in a new franchise? Our team at VetFran would love to help you find the perfect fit!