Fall Back Into Leadership | VetFran

In today’s world, it seems we take a few steps forward only to take even more steps back. As soon as we think we have things returning to normal, something new (hello, Delta variant) comes into play, turning our whole business model upside down in some cases.

It is no surprise that some leaders are even beginning to feel as though they are not as qualified as they once were to lead a team. If changes in the workforce and work in general have you questioning your leadership capabilities—or you’re looking to build those skills for the first time—read on to learn where to begin.

Sharpening Your Leadership Skills

Looking to get back into your leadership A-game? Start here:

First, consider taking a leadership assessment. By taking an assessment, you can determine your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Even better? Ask your employees and others to provide an honest, unfiltered perspective about your abilities as a leader and where there may be gaps.

For most everyone, communication can be an area of weakness in some way or another. Work on sharpening your listening skills. This isn’t simply about physically hearing what your employees have to say—it’s about truly listening to gather information. You need to listen for the sake of listening, not listen to formulate a response.

It’s now more important than ever to actively listen and understand the frustrations and concerns of your employees. Those in the workforce are dealing with unprecedented levels of stress and burnout, and so many people are leaving their current jobs that it’s been called the “Great Resignation.”

Actively listening can help you keep a finger on how your team is doing, so you know what adjustments are needed in both your leadership style and your franchise.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get back to basics. It doesn’t have to be January in order for you to create a “wish list” for your business. What are your goals? What steps do you need to take in order to reach your goals by the end of the year?

2021 isn’t over yet. There is still time for you to be a strong leader and effectively lead your team to success!

Are you ready to step into a leadership role? Are you ready to do that as a franchisee? Visit our website today to learn how you can start your franchising journey.