Give Your Workspace a Good Spring-Cleaning | VetFran

Spring has sprung! With the start of a new season is essentially a fresh start. That’s why many of us often start spring with a good spring-cleaning, getting everything cleaned and organized for the new season.

While that’s often a ritual saved for the home, spring-cleaning your workspace has benefits, too!

There is something to be said for having a clean workspace. An organized office and desk brings offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved time management
  • Better ability to focus on projects
  • Ability to quickly locate important items
  • Professional appearance
  • Reduced stress
  • Increased productivity
  • Better mental stability

Spring Into Spring-Cleaning

First, you want to get rid of all the junk you have accumulated over the last year—or however long it’s been since the last time you cleaned. Whether your desk sports cracker crumbs or simply an unbelievable amount of pens and pencils, it is time to declutter what is on top of your desk and what is in your drawers.

Second, you want to take your newly cleaned desk and turn it into a space where you can easily find anything you’re looking for. Whether you utilize a filing system or an organizational tray for pens, paper clips and notecards, these storage containers can help to make for an organized desk that can bring a smile every time you open it.

Finally, don’t just organize—clean! While the times of COVID-19 have certainly taught us the importance of cleanliness, it is something that we should make more of a habit rather more than the exception.

Clean every nook and cranny you find and disinfect the desk from top to bottom. Of course, don’t forget your keyboard and mouse…odds are, they’re pretty icky.

Are you ready to not just spring-clean your office but also to give your entire career a fresh start? Contact the team at VetFran today to learn how we can help you get started in a new career within the franchising industry.