Inspire and Engage Your Team in the New Year | VetFran

There is no better time than now to inspire and engage your employees! Let’s face it. We all could use some inspiration this year, since last year left us without closure and with a bunch of questions.

Our team at VetFran wants you to understand the best practices when it comes to not just leading your team but also to getting the most out of your employees in 2021.

How Can You Bring Out the Best in Your Employees?

You know what they say: “You are only as strong as your weakest link.” Therefore, make inspiring and bringing out the best in your employees a main priority this year.

Start by:

Communicating More Clearly

In any relationship, communication is key. This statement is especially true when it comes to the relationship you have with your employees.

When you speak with your employees, you want to be clear and concise so that your conversation leaves your employees with more answers than questions. In addition, you need to understand that everyone is different in how they want/need to be spoken to. While some people prefer face-to-face meetings, other employees might prefer communication be in writing.

Recognizing Your Employees

It is so easy to always point out what someone is doing wrong. But what are your employees doing that is right? If you have employees who are exceeding goals and meeting deadlines, especially on a regular basis, shout them out!

There is a reason why stickers worked so well when we were younger. As humans, we need that recognition to help boost our self-esteem. Plus, it helps to give us the push and drive we need to continue to do better and keep on track when we are recognized for the work we are doing.

Delegating Effectively When Appropriate

As much as you might want to do it all, even as a leader, you just can’t. Therefore, you need to delegate certain tasks to others.

Not only will this help take some things off your plate, but it can also help to improve your employees’ work because they feel as though they are playing a bigger role within the business.

This can be a very good thing! While you are giving yourself more time to focus on bigger-picture tasks, you are giving others on your team tasks that makes them feel like an even bigger asset to the team!

Are you ready to lead your team into a new year? Contact us today to learn how investing in a franchise can give you the opportunity to lead a team and inspire others to work toward greatness.