Is There a Right Way to Market Your Franchise During This Time? | VetFran
While it is important to be mindful of everything going on in our world right now, we must also know how to navigate the waters in order to keep our businesses afloat.
Our team at VetFran wants you to know how you can work on marketing your business during this time so that you can attract customers and even potential franchisees to your brand.
Conquer the Marketing Challenge
In good times and in bad, it can be hard to know the best way to market your brand. However, there are certain marketing moves you can make no matter what the environment might be in order to stay in front of your target audience.
First, you want to make sure you are advertising in all aspects possible. While most people consider advertising in the print form, you can actually advertise on TV, radio and websites, too! Therefore, you want to make sure that you are taking advantage of not just what print has to offer but also what social media advertising has to offer through websites and Facebook ads.
Direct mail is also a great way to advertise your brand and get in front of your target audience. Don’t you enjoy getting mail that isn’t a bill? Sending a postcard that offers a nice message in correlation to your services might just help to bring a smile to someone’s face.
In addition, you can elevate excitement for your brand by offering giveaways or virtual customer appreciation events! Again, you can utilize both print and social media in order to get news about your special out there to your target audience.
Finally, you also want to make sure that you are present when it comes to interacting with your target audience. Especially during this time of social distancing, many businesses are unable to meet with clients and/or potential franchisees. However, by responding to messages and comments on your Facebook wall or emails sent through your website, you can still interact with your audience so that they know you are here for them!
VetFran remains ready to serve our members and the veteran community during this unprecedented time.