Tackle Stress at Work | VetFran

Throughout your military career, you have been taught to work hard. The skills taught in the military have led to you having an exceptional work ethic, which is perfect for the franchising industry.

However, there does come a point when your hard work can lead to being overworked, which can lead to stress in both your professional and personal life.

April is Stress Awareness Month. Our team at VetFran wants to help you learn ways to cope with work stress so that you can protect your physical and mental health while also enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Stress Doesn’t Have to be a Part of the Job

We hear the term “work stress” to the point where it might seem as though overwhelming stress is just a normal part of the job. Some amount of stress is to be expected, and it can be a positive in small doses.

But chronic or overwhelming stress in the workplace can lead to:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Chronic back pain
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Let’s take a look at ways you can help better manage stress at work:

First, you want to make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to complete tasks. Make yourself a priority list for the day, and try to conquer your hardest tasks first.

Second, you want to take an adequate amount of breaks throughout the day. No, this doesn’t mean you day should consist of a break an hour. But you do want to try and take a 15-minute break in the morning, a 15-minute break in the afternoon, and an hour for lunch, whenever possible.

When you take a break, you are allowing your mind to take a break, which can help you come back to work focused and able to be more productive.

Finally, if a task or job is becoming too stressful, it is important to ask for help. As a leader, it can be intimidating to admit you can’t do it all. But it’s important to delegate when and as needed to work at your best.

Are you looking for a career that offers you more fulfillment than stress? Contact the team at VetFran today to learn how finding a position with the franchise industry can give you the career path you have been looking for in life!